Wellness Tips from a Doctor Mom

At The Triangle Sessions, we’re always eager to learn from the best. In our 3-pointed interview, we ask experienced wellness professionals to share their personal tips for better living. In this blog we are hearing from Dr. Alexandre West, OB/GYN in Hartford, CT.

1. As a doctor and mother of three, what do you personally do to take care of yourself physically? 

Exercise is probably the most important thing to help me feel well. I usually try to get on my peloton and do yoga most mornings.  (My husband handles mornings and I handle bedtime with the kids so we each have some personal time).  Also, I schedule time for myself personal care time in the form of a massage or facial at least once a month. 

2. Your job requires a tremendous amount of stress. What do you do to take care of yourself emotionally and mentally? 

My yoga practice is very grounding for me. I also have some very close friends who are also doctors/moms to debrief with when something stressful or sad happens at work. It helps to remind myself that I’m not alone in my experiences and that others are going through the same thing. 

3. What do you recommend to your patients who are struggling with balancing work and family? 

The most important thing is a good support system. Have a back up system with a plan A, B and C. The other piece of advice that is contradictory to what we want to believe is that you need to accept that you can’t do it all. Sometimes I can’t do everything I want in my career because I need to prioritize my family. Sometimes I miss out on bedtime or school events because I have to prioritize my patients or academic responsibilities. At the end of the day, I’m a better doctor because I’m a mom and I’m a good role model for my kids because of my work. 

Dr. Alexandre West graduated wit a BFA in dance from the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. Prior to attending medical school she completed her 200 hour yoga teacher certification, worked as a yoga and dance teacher and studied biomechanics and kinesiology in the research setting. She studied medicine at New York Medical College and completed her residency in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Connecticut. Following residency she joined the faculty practice at University of Connecticut where she enjoys caring for patients and teaching medical students and residents. Her academic interests include trauma informed care in women’s health and obstetric trauma. 

Learn more about how you can incorporate wellness in your life with The Triangle Sessions. Contact us to learn more.


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